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It got there, but there was nothing on it. It did not, however, end up in centerfield did it? But, how great is that throw anyhow? And that's the way the rest of his throws go. The catcher has been reduced from a child throwing rockets before the match to a catcher who is taken a great deal of velocity off his throw and is currently"aiming" his throws. It looks like he is throwing darts occasionally.What other answer can there possibly be? OK, I'm kidding a little bit about being upset. In all honesty, the question really doesn't bother me but I want to make a point. I know that as a pitcher, you might have a favourite pitch you like to utilize to a certain very great hitter, but you can't rely on it exclusively. Let's use an outstanding right-handed hitter for instance. If you kept throwing him fast balls low and away, it's just a matter of time before he lotions one to right field or into right center field. If you kept throwing him fastballs up and in, eventually he will cream one to left field or left centre. If you threw him all breaking balls, again eventually he will clobber you.Years ago, although kids didn't play as many organized games, I think on the average children played more baseball. As they grew older, they developed many instincts.things that let you throw or not, in a split second. Catchers knew how to read batters. They knew how to read runners and remember that #14 always looked down when he started back to first as soon as he saw the catcher's hand go up and start to throw back to the pitcher. Catchers knew when they had to trot out to the mound and say some bad, goofy stuff to make the pitcher laugh a little, simply to relax. Many catchers were calling their own pitches .Now the real test, another game. I tried to prepare him for the worst, telling him it might take some time to adapt to this new sight. But that warning was never needed, he came out of the gate sending hits all over the area again. 실시간중계 to his batting position weren't needed. His eyes had changed very quickly, but he had not noticed."Tension is a hitter's worst enemy," is a quote that's been around for decades and remains one of the best baseball tips on hitting. Tension destroys a fluid, graceful swing that is necessary for hitting the ball properly. Do not squeeze the bat too closely and don't tighten your muscles. Like mentioned above, many very good hitters have a small waggle to help them relax.Look for where his launch point is. Quite often pitchers have different release points for various pitches and you may know what pitch he's throwing just before he actually releases the ball.What I teach is to make a fist with your hand that will be your top hand when gripping the bat. Now lift the fist to about shoulder height as though you were going to punch a balloon that is in front of you and across from your torso. That elevation is an IDEAL STARTING POINT for the rear elbow!