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Low libido: Men need to have sex at a healthy age to have a healthy sex life. Health concerns Men can develop self-confidence when they see women around who are also struggling with sexual health. This can be referred to as erectile dysfunction and a self-esteem problem. What is Cialis Super Active, and should you be interested in it? ED can affect relationships, either physically or psychologically. Physical problems of ED include premature ejaculation, damage to the penis and seminal fluid. Psychological problems of ED include attention deficit/low self-esteem, psychological causes of erectile dysfunction include unresolved problems, lack of relationship, drug and alcohol use. Hypogonadism In order to properly diagnose erectile dysfunction, a blood test is required. It is usually diagnosed by a urologist and includes the question of whether the erections last longer than 4 hours. The abnormal responses indicate erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction is typically divided into two types, primary (reduced sexual desire) and intermittent (increased sexual desire). Primary (low libido) erectile dysfunction is the inability to get an erection for sex. In this case, estrogen is not responsible for the erection, so there is no cause for worry. Controlling high blood pressure and cholesterol can improve erectile dysfunction The stress of a sexual problem is enough to cause a man to develop erectile dysfunction, so a man will in general have a stress-induced erection. This is not necessarily a consequence of the physical event, but is a natural occurring problem that can be reduced with therapy. Some other things that can lead to erectile dysfunction include hypertension, obesity, smoking and heavy liquor abuse. The alcohol consumption of many years can cause erectile dysfunction. What is the definitive cure for erectile dysfunction? The definitive cure for erectile dysfunction will depend on each man. Not all bodies are equal, therefore each patient will respond differently to treatments. The definitive cure for erectile dysfunction will depend on each man, and there are many potential treatments. The primary treatments are surgical treatments. These are those that involve a penile artery surgery and include ones normally prescribed by doctors. For example, penile vascular surgery is a way to increase the blood flow in the penis without incurring a huge loss of blood pressure. There are many options for treatment for erectile dysfunction. These options include the use of pills such as Viagra or Cialis to increase blood flow, the use of intraurethral beads, the use of pumps to inflate the blood vessels or the use of special devices. In of treatments are commonly covered by the country's health insurance companies. Think you can do all the worrying about Premature Ejaculation? These kind of treatments are usually regarded as a last resort.