Full name: fingermouse1
Location: Coden, Louisiana, United States
User Description: When you decide to invest in the stock exchange,you often don't know which company to spend your investments on. It is important to be very careful with this, as any hasty decision could pose an unnecessary risk to our money.Index• How to choose companies to invest in the stock exchange?• What to look at to choose the best companies?How to choose companies to invest in the stock exchange?Before investing in any company it is essential to do a study of the health of said company. This means that we must look at your accounts,specifically losses, profits, balance sheets, cash flows, etc.It is also advisable to look at the figures beyond the last quarter. The latest profits, or generally the latest company news, may be conditioned on some extraordinary event, suchas some acquisition, for example. In this case, the figures could be misleading.With this recommendation we can get a clearer and clearer picture of where we are depositing our money. This previous reflection could be a momentous factor in make our investment a success.What to look at to choose the best companies?FCEL STOCK Finding the best companies to invest in the vast ocean of companies that make up the stock market is very complicated at first glance. Therefore, it is necessary to filter to get the data shown to us by the organizations that is currently offering better results for investors. Among the data we can look at we will find:• Net earnings pershare – Means the profits that correspond to each share after paying taxes. It is important to consider capital expansions and reductions to have a realistic view through this data.• PER– The price earning ratio refers to the relationship between the quote price and the earnings per share. Thanks to it we can calculate the annual profitability that this stock projects.• Dividend return :this ratio offers us the return that we will get per year in dividends when buying stock at "x" price. This data is important to know how this market works. We need to know that the higher the dividend return, the lower the share price.• Target price– This data reports the price that analysts expect to achieve that action. To do this, they study companies and variables that affect them such as changes in the sector or informational news.While this data can give us good ideas about the companies we can invest in, we need to know that to be totally accurate it is necessary to realize what is known as fundamental analysis. This consists of a thorough study of the company and all the elements that surround it, such as the global economic situation, the sector or the organization itself.
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